Pack - Unpack - Pack - Unpack - Pack...............That's what I did for a couple hours this afternoon..........And I still don't have it where it "feels right"......But I'm getting close! I was able to pare down some clothing so I could use my medium size RED Orlib bag instead of the Jumbo size yellow one. This allows me to access the locks on the tops of the side painers easily. And it created just a little bit of space over on the right side for the auxilary fuel can that will be needed on the Haul Road up to the Artic.
I also rearranged the Pelican case on the rear rack so I can access all my photo gear very easily. Off the bike, open case, grab camera, take a picture, put camera back, close case, get away from the bear I just took a picture of all in about 20 seconds!
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