My first attempt at "Blogging"

I'm going to be using this blog to post daily reports from the road on an upcoming motorcycle trip from Massachusetts to Alaska. I'll be discussing the planning and preparation. What kind of bike I'll be using and the modifications I've made to it for the trip. I'll introduce you to my traveling companion, Bob Hadden.
Stay tuned..... more to follow.............
Enjoy your trip and I look forward to reading your log entries. Two friends just completed their US tour, ending with an Iron Butt Burner run from Hyder, Alaska, to Montana on their BMW. I'll be up that way myself next year on the new Whee. I can learn what to avoid and what to not miss from y'all :)
A suggestion
Pack lighter. Two pairs of convertable long/shorts pants, the ones with zippers
Take two pair of the wicking wash and dry underwear, tee shirts and socks. Wash them at night and they dry in the morning.
I found in some places it is cheaper and more convienient to stay in a motel 25-30 a night than it is to camp 15-20 a night.
You can put on more miles on some days and spend the extra time where you would be setting up a campsite doing a little sightseeing. Like getting your picture taken beside the largest ball of string.
Those are culturally important moments.
As a good friend and world traveler told me. "We won't encounter nothing on the road can't be fixed with a wad of hundred dollar bills."
Safe travels on your incredible trip! I hope to go back to Alaska one day but to be able to do it on a bike would be amazing!
Thanks for sharing this with us "Georgia Crackers" and I look forward to the updates.
Bobby Darnell
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