So here it is, Saturday....Five days before we leave on our "Epic Journey".........I just can't take the waiting! I sometimes think the best part of these tours I take is the preparation. I love selecting gear, working on the bike, figuring out the packing, the maps, the milage calculations, etc, etc.... But you have to remember, I did this all last year.............And two weeks before we were to leave..........BANG!, I'm on the ground. When that accident happened all I could think of as I was flying through the air was 'Oh Sh-t, this is going to screw up the trip!"....We'll that was actually the second thing....The first thing was "This is gonna leave a mark!"........In any event, that cancelled that trip..............I told Bob to go on without me, but he said "No Way!"....We planned this trip together and we'll do it together.......period!" That's a good friend.....
Folks ask if the accident had any effect on my riding. Was I nervous about getting back in the saddle? As strange as it might sound, I never had the least bit of trepidation (is that the right use of that word?)....Although sometimes I close my eyes when I go through the intersection where it happened..:-)
But I can tell you that I haven't ridden a motorcycle in a week............I was going to take it to work the other day, but at the last moment I decided not to jinks it...and took the car. What can I say.....I'm superstitious!
Today I'll change the oil in the bike and that will be the final preparation.........We'll be good to go on Wednesday......
I feel your pain. I'm prepping now for a US/Canada trip next year on my Whee-strom.
We'll all be 'riding' with you as you update your blogsite.
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